Friday, April 15, 2011

Grammar (The Present Progressive)

        The present progressive expresses an activity that is in progress( is occurring, is happening) right now. The event is in progress at the time the speaker is saying the sentence. The event began in the past, is in progress now, and will probably continue into the future.
                                           Form: am, is, are + ing.
(a) Sara can't come to the phone right now because she is taking shower.
(b) It's noon. I am eating lunch at the cafeteria right now.
(c) Ann and Bob are babies. They are crying. I can't hear them right now. Maybe they are hungry.

Forms of the present progressive.
Statement: I am working.
                   (You- We- They) are working.
                   (He- She- It) is working.
Negative: I am not working.
                 (You- We- They) are not working.
                 (He- She- It) is not working.
Question: Am I working?
                 Are (you- we- they) working?
                 Is (he- she- it) working?

Present Progressive short answers to the questions.
Question: Are you studying?
Short answer: Yes, I am.
                        No, I'm not.
Long answer: Yes, I am studying.
                        No, I am not studying.

Short question: Is Sana Studying?

Short answer: Yes, she is.
                        No, she's not or
                        No, she isn't.

Long answer: Yes, she is studying.
                        No, she's not studying. or
                        No, she isn't studing.

Short question: Are they studying?

Short answer: Yes, they are.
                        No, they're not. or
                        No, they aren't.

Long answer: Yes, they are studying.
                        No, they're not studying.
                        No, They aren't studying.   

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Grammar (The Simple Present)

                                                            The Simple Present

          The simple present expresses daily habits or usual activities.
(a)    Ann takes a shower every day.
(b)   I usually eat lunch at the cafeteria.

The simple present expresses general statements of fact.
(c)    Babies cry.
(d)   The earth revolves around the sun.
(e)    A square has four equal sides.
(f)     The sky is blue.

In sum, the simple present is used for events or situations that exist always, usually, or habitually in the past, present or future.

Forms of the simple present.
Statement: ( I- You- We- They) works.
                  ( He- She- It) works.
Negative: ( I- You- We They) do not work.
                 ( He- She- It) does not work.
Question: Do ( I- you- we- they) work?
            Does ( he- she- it) work?

Simple Present Short answers to questions.
Question: Does Bob like tea?
Short answer: Yes, he does.
                        No, he doesn’t.
Long answer: Yes, he likes tea.
                        No, he doesn’t like tea.

Question: Do you like tea?
Short answer: Yes, I do.
                        No, I don’t.
Long Answer: Yes, I like tea.
                         No, I don’t like tea.

Monday, April 11, 2011

A visit to a circus

        A circus came to our town in November last. I saw its posters on the walls. I went there, one day, to see an afternoon show. It began with the appearance of two clowns. They were dressed in multicolored clothes. They cut jokes with each other. Their talk was so funny that it made us laugh very heartily. Then came six horses, with a rider on the back of each. They ran, with the riders standing on their backs. They jumped from horse to horse and filled us all with great surprise. Then came the elephants, the monkeys and the camels to show their wonderful tricks. after the intervals, six pretty looking girls entertained us with their songs, and dances and gymnastics. Last of all came two lions and a well-dressed young man with whip in his hand. He ordered them to stand on their legs, and they obeyed him. We clapped our hands, when we saw them drink water with two goats. The show ended after that, and we returned home full of great surprise at what we had seen.

Friday, April 8, 2011

My best friend

       Mr. David is my best friend. He is my next door neighbor. He is also my class-fellow. He is of the same age as I am. His father is the leading doctor of the city. He was elected the chairman the Basic Democrats of this locality. He is also the president of municipal committee. Despite all these things, my friend is not at all proud. He is very kind to the poor students of his class. He helps them with books and clothes. He also pays their fees, if they are not in the position to do so. He is the top most student of the class. He obtains the highest marks in English, history, science and mathematics. He is a very good player of soccer. He is also a good swimmer and a fine athlete. He is an ideal students, and his teachers like him very much.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A walk on a moon- lit night

         The moon, the queen of the night, was shining in the sky right gloriously. The twinkling stars looked very grand and majestic. I was greatly charmed by the beauty of the moon-lit night. I couldn't help going out for a walk. The houses, the shops, the trees and the road itself were shining like so many springs of endless light. A cow here and a dog there were seen moving silently about, perhaps, like myself, they were also mad with joy at the beauty of the night. Before long, I was passing through rich fields of ripe corn. the golden ears of wheat greeted my eyes, Wherever I went. The glorious moon-beams added to grace of the scenery all around. At last I stood near the canal. It was flowing very softly. The moon and stars were reflected in its clear water. The golden rays of the moon danced over the waves. I sat spellbound under a tree, still the realm of the sky was completely conquered by the sun, the lord of the day. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

(C) The police

Request of help from police officer.
My car is missing.
My car has been stolen.
I’ve been robbed.
I’ve been mugged.
I’ve been raped.
He had gun.
We’re trapped up here.
We’re trapped in here.

A police officer seeking information.
Tell me exactly what happened.
Are you lost?
Can you provide a description of the missing person?

A police officer confronting a criminal.
Hands up!
Put your hands up!
Put your hands on your head!
Tell it to lawyer! (info)
I don’t care who you are!

(B) The life and death

Life and death emergencies- (formal)
There is someone in that house!
Please try to find my brother!

Life and death emergencies.
My cousin fell from a ladder!
My child has been run over.

Life and death emergencies-medical.
My baby has stopped breathing.
I'm having terrible chest pain.