Tuesday, March 29, 2011

(b) Small talk

Expressing your state of health.
I'm fine.
I'm cool.
Keeping cool.
Dandy. (info)
Fine and dandy.
O key.
All right.
I have nothing to complaint about.

Telling how you have been doing.
Keeping busy.
Keeping myself busy.
Been keeping my nose clean. (info)

Telling how you have been doing- neutral.
Fair to middling.
Same as always.
Same as usual.

Telling how you have been doing- negative.
Not good.
Not so good.
Not too hot.
None too hot.
Not great.
Not so great.
None too great.
Kind of crummy.
I have seen better days.
I've had better days.

Explaining  you have been busy.
I'm busy.
Keeping busy.
Keeping myself busy.
Been keeping myself busy.

Inviting a friend for a drink or coffee.
Do you have any time.
Would you like to have drink?
Let's go for coffee.

Basic Social Encounters (a) Greetings

Simple greeting.

General greetings.
How are you?
How's it going?
What's up? (info)
What's going on?

Greetings for various times of the day.
Good morning.
Good evening.

Greeting for a person you haven't seen in a long time.
I haven't seen you in years!
Long time no see!(info)

Expressing surprise at meeting someone.
What a surprise to meet you here!
Fancy meeting you here!
Never thought I'd see you here!

After you have greeted someone.
Haven't we met before?
Didn't we meet at that party last year?
I'm sorry! I have forgotten your name.

Monday, March 28, 2011

True Story( Life For Life)

      Humayun was the oldest son of the great Mughal Emperor Babar. Once he was taken seriously ill. The court physicians treated him with great care and attention. But the more they tried to restore his health, the worse he became. At last the anxious father called a meeting of his best friends in order to seek their counsel. They advised him to sacrifice his dearest possession for the sake of his son. They referred to the Koh-i-Noor diamond ( later English took this diamond to England in order to fit it in the crown of the Queen). But he said that his own life was more precious than that. So he went thrice round the patient's bed praying that he might fall ill in place of his son. And his prayer was granted by God.. The Emperor Babar fell ill, and Humayun began to feel better day by day. At last the son recovered fully, and his loving father passed away.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Selected story(Dr. cat and the birds)

      Once a cat thought of a clever plan to kill some birds. He dressed himself up as a doctor and stood beside their cage." Good-morning, my friends, said he to them. A friend of mine has told me that some of you are not feeling well. I was deeply grieved to hear that. Just open the door and let me see, if i can be of any help to you." The birds understood what he wanted to do with them. So they didn't open the door and said, "Thank you, Dr. cat, for your kind visit. There is nothing wrong with us. And we shall keep very well, as long as our door is shut, and you are outside it."Dr. cat was put to great shame and went his way.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Learn Expository Paragraph

    In an expository paragraph, the writer explains a subject to the reader. Details in an expository paragraph are informative, clear, and carefully arranged so that the reader can understand the subject.

1- Think about your subject. Do you understand it well enough to explain it to someone else, or do you need to find more information before you can write?

2- Choose the information you want to give about your subject. You may to use a jotting out lines to list the kinds of information you could give.

3- Arrange that information in logical order. Chronological order, for example, is the best order for expository paragraphs that give step by step in formations.

4- State your subject clearly in a topic sentence.

5- Present the information in order you have chosen. Use transitions to connect ideas.

6- End with sentence that mentions your subject again.
     Have you ever told someone else any of these things?
     How to get from your home to job?
     How to write a check?
     How caterpillars become butterflies?
     How to put together a set of book shelves?
If so, then try expository paragraph.

Here is an expository paragraph.
           Are you looking for a place to live? Do you know what kind of housing you want to live? There are many ways to find out about housing. For example, you can start by telling people that you are looking neighbors, friends, and people you work with may know of  a place that hasn't ever been advertised. Next, if you know which area. Watch for "For Sale" or " For Rent" signs. You might ask people on the street if they know of any places in the area. One of the best way to look for housing, though, is to look in the real estate section of the newspaper. The ads there will give a good chance to compare prices. They also may give you an idea about other kinds of housing. Finding a place to live will be easier if you use several plans in your search.

Friday, March 25, 2011

"Atom for peace"

       Atom is the smallest unit of an element. It is a system composed of a charged nucleus and a number of electrons. The electrons travel in orbits about the nucleus. Now when a atom is broken it release tremendous energy. In this way atom has become a source of energy. The discovery of atomic energy is one of the greatest scientific discoveries of the present age.We may use or misuse of this power. We may use it for the settlement of our disputes, the whole mankind will perish as a result. If we are sensible in its use, we may have a better and happier world. In the constructive sphere, the atomic energy can work wonders.
The use of atomic energy for medical purpose can cure these disease which were once considered in curable. Radium can be used in the dist ruction of abnormal tissues and cancer.Radio-therapy is an important branch of medical science. Superfluous cells are destroyed once for all. The isotopes of sodium, potassium, bromine and iodine will go a long way in tracing the origin and cause of many diseases. This saves man from cruel clutches of a slow and painful death. In this way, the atomic energy has alleviated the human sufferings. Medicine and surgery owe a deep dept of gratitude to scientists who discovered the secrets of Atomic Energy.
    In the sphere of industry also the atomic energy is going to play a very important role. Coal and petrol supply of the world is being gradually exhausted.The time is not far when they may not be available.
    In the field of agriculture, atomic energy will be of great help to the farmers. Atomic explosions can level the hills and mounds. The land so made available can be used for the cultivation of crops.
    Lastly, we come to the use of atomic energy for transport purpose. With the help of atomic energy, the means of communication and transportation can be made swifter and more reliable at present.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Learn Descriptive Paragraph

                                         Descriptive paragraph
In a descriptive paragraph, the writer describes a person, place or thing. Details in a descriptive paragraph are specific and appeal to the senses. They should present a clear word picture for the reader.

1-Most people experiences the world through all five senses. In a descriptive paragraph, therefore a writer appeals to the reader experiences by including sensory words that appeal to the senses. For example;
Sight- shade, green, black.
Sound- chattering rusted.
Touch- spongy.
Taste- sweet, spicy, rotten.

2- The writer also uses specific words, such as sparrows instead of birds, jogger and her Collie instead of a person and her dog.

3- the writer arranged details in a logical order. As you picture the sense, your eyes move from the tree tops to the ground, then to the fountain and to two corners of the park. There are many ways you can arrange details to describe a person, place or thing.
From top to bottom.
From side to side.
From least important to most important.
From bottom to top.
From away to close up.
--------------------------------- Our tuck shop--------------------------------
We have a nice little tuck shop in our school. It is just beside our gymnasium. It is run by Bob, a young man of forty. He keeps the shop as neat as clean as possible. He sells fruit, cold drinks, milk, butter-milk, tea and whatnot. His charges are very moderate, but he does not sell anything on credit. His shop consists of three rooms. In the one, he prepares sweets, In the second, he arranges various articles for sale. He keeps them in glass cupboards, beyond the reach of flies. In the third, he serves these things on marble tables before his customers. They sit on decent chairs, and eat and drink whatever they like. He uses pure milk and his preparations are frequently tested by Principal. It is always pleasure to pay visit his tuck shop.

(Keeping the instruction in the mind try to write you own, short descriptive paragraph)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Learn Persuasive Paragraph

           In a persuasive paragraph, the writer tries to convince the reader to accept the writer's opinion.That opinion is supported with factual, logical details. 
1-Decide on your opinion(opinion of view).
2-State your opinion clearly in a topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph.
3-Give two or three logical reasons and factual reasons in support of your opinion.
4-Give your best reason last,use transitions in paragraph.
5-End with the restatement of your opinion.
Note: remember three things.
------------------------------Shelters at bus stops--------------------------
The city should build a shelter at each in the business district.First of all, shelter along busy streets would make the stops easy to find.Shelters also would provide a new way for business to advertise.Finally, shelters would give protection from the weather; commuters could wait for their buses in greater comfort. Workers in the business district would welcome shelters along the bus routs.
(Now follow the instructions and try to write your own persuasive paragraph)

Monday, March 21, 2011

The bullet proof coat

                    The bullet proof coat
 A clever young man came to a seasoned general one day."Please, sir," said he,"I have invented a bullet proof coat. It will be a boon for soldier in the field of battle."The general examined the coat very carefully. But  nothing unusual came to his notice. He asked the young man to put it on, and went in to fetch his rifle. He wanted to shoot at the inventor in order to test his claim. But when he returned with it, the young man had disappeared. He smiled at the cleverness of the visitor and said,"He knew that his coat was a boon for all,except his own self."

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Learn Invitation and Thank you Notes

                                    Learn Invitation and Thank You Notes
An invitation is a friendly letter written to encourage someone to attend a special event. It uses an informal tone to try to convince the reader to come to the party.
                                     Thank-you note
A thank you note is a friendly letter written to express the writer’s appreciation. It uses an informal tone to tell the reader how pleased the writer was with a gift or favor.
Both invitations and think you notes have five parts:

1-The heading-your address and the date of writing.
.2-The greeting or salutation-usually Dear.
3-The body-the content of the letter; the part where you give the invitation or state your thanks.
4-The closing-for example; with love, or your friend.
5-The signature.

14 Jefferson Way
                                                            (Heading)        Darien, CT 08602
October 20, 2011.
Dear Uncle Bob,        (Greeting)
(Body) Well, the leaves outside are changing color. The time means that it’s time to make our Thanksgiving plans.
 Bob, I hope you will spend Thanks giving in Darien with me this year. After all, Thanksgiving is family time, and you are my only family in America. Besides, how can you resist my wonderful roast turkey with wild rice?
Please tell me “yes” as soon as that weekend, and I want to get us tickets
Can you pass up and offer like that?
                                                                                    (Closing) With love,
------------------------------------ Thank you note---------------------------------
                                                                               5 Spring Street
                                                (Heading)               St. Louis, M036414
                                                                                December 1,2011.
Dear Sara, (Greeting)
(Body)    I just wanted to thank you again for inviting me for Thanksgiving. It was everything you promised!
The meat was wonderful, especially that golden turkey and the sweet fan you made. I talked about it at the plant, and two people asked for the recipe! I had good time at the concert, too. But the best part was seeing you again. We let too much time go by between visits, so let’s see each other again soon.
I’ll have many good memories of our visit.
                                                                     (Closing)     Your uncle uncle
                                                                     (Signature)   ------------

Friday, March 18, 2011

The dog in the manger

                                       The dog in the manger
Once upon a time a farmer had a bad tempered dog. It was always chained to the gate of his farm-house. It found its way into the manger one day. It found the place nice and comfortable. It made up the mind to stay there. When it was evening, the cattle returned home. They went straight to the manger to eat their fodder. But he growled and barked at them. They couldn’t dare come near it. They stood in surprised at some distance and said to one another.” What a selfish dog we have to deal with:” “yes, said the dog, I can’t eat this fodder myself, but I will never let any of you to come near it.”

The best artist

                                                           The Best Artist
Once there lived three artists of great fame in a big city.They were competing for a certain prize.One of them painted a wreath of flowers.It looked so real that a bee came and sat on it.The other painted a basket of vegetables.These looked so nice that a cow tried to bite at them.The third painted a curtain.It looked so natural that the judge tried to remove it.This painting won the prize,because it had deceived a man,while the other two had deceived only an insect and animal.
(story no: 1 of 150)

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Learn Narrative Paragraph

In a narrative paragraph,the writer tells a story.The detail in the story create an interesting narrative and make a point.

1-the story in a narrative paragraph must begin and end in just a few sentences.Therefore it is very important to choose details carefully.Many details that would be fine in a long book would be out of place in single paragraph.

2-It is also important to have point in your mind before you write.The details you choose should be told in logical and chronological order,what happened first,next and so on.The details you choose should also lead to the final event,called the climax(event or point).

3-It is in the climax of the story that the point is made.Think about the details as you read the paragraph.
Notice:-The topic sentence comes at the end.look at the order in which the details appear.

4-In this kind of paragraph,not every sentence directly supports the topic sentence.instead,he narrative builds from sentence to sentence until the story has reached it's climax and the point has made.

--------------------------- An interesting story "Father's horses"-------------------------

           There lived a landlord in a certain town. He was very fond of riding and hunting. He had many beautiful horses in his stable. His syce looked after them with great care and attention. He met a little girl at the gate of his stable one day she was the youngest daughter of his head syce. He wanted to say something to her father about one of his horses. But he was not at home.He wanted to leave with her a message for him."Do you know who i am?,"Said to her."o yes,i do,"was her quick reply."You are the man who rides my father's horses."

Monday, March 14, 2011

Learn English (Lesson Ten)

46-Elaboration of the Object; I bought the curious little box with no lid you told me about
47-Elaboration of the Indirect Object; He gave the brave young man,wearing a red cloak,who was waiting at the side of the room,a medal.

48-Elaboration of Subject Compliments.
a-She became headmistress.
b-They painted the door a horrid green that spoiled everything.

49-Elaboration of the verb.
a-Adverb before he verb,He gladly opened the door.
b-Adverbial Phrase-'how long'; Mr. and Mrs. Brown stayed in my house for three weeks.
c-Elaboration of the verb, including clause;He will gladly stay here when he hears the bed news.

50-Elaboration Patterns.
a-Elaboration of S-V;
   The man died.
b-Elaboration of S-V-O;
The man shot the lion.
c-Elaboration of S-V-1stO-O;
 The man gave the child a bag.
 (This course is finished)

Learn English (Lesson nine)

41-If Patterns.
a-if i come to school tomorrow the others will not learn the truth.
b-Unlikely or imposible;If a lion come to this room tomorrow,everybody would be surprised.
c-If i had seen the lion yesterday,nothing would have happened.


42-Multiple Sentenses:Clauses of equal value.
a-The man paid for the car and gave it to me.
b-special case for negatives.He didn;t break tit,nor he did helped anybody else to do it.
c-condensed form;He picked up the tin,opened,turned it over and smashed it.


43-Complex sentences.
a-The man who did it is dead.
b-attached to the compliments after the verb;He became a leader whom everybody obeyed.
c-attached to the Object;I did not by the book which we saw in the shop.
d-added to the indirect object;The captain gave the boy who won the race  a sum of money

44-Complex sentences(Adverbial time clause).
a-Adverbial Clauses-when;You may do it when you find the time
b-Adverbial Clause-where;Let's go where the cost of life is low.
c-Adverbial clause-why;he is trying to pass the examination because he will get a reward.
d-Other Adverbial Clauses;i shall try to make a copy if you wish me to.

45-Elaboration of simple patterns.
      Elaboration of the subject.
a-By Adjective proceeding the Noun;The old man fell in to the river.
b-By phrases following the Noun;The man in the red overcoat fell into the river.
c-By Clauses following the Noun;the man who is standing under the tree is not here.
d-Combining a,b and c;The selfish old man with red coat to whom you gave your coat is not here.


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Learn English (Lesson Eight)

36-Past continuous Tense Pattern.
a-Last night from 6 to7 i was listening to the radio.
b-Pattern for two actions going on together; One day i was sitting here while old Mr.Brown was digging.
c-Pattern of time; While you were cooking in the kitchen,Mary was listening to the radio.


37-Future Continuous Tense Patterns use.
a-At ten'o clock tomorrow morning i shall stand up.
b-Future reason;I shall not be here tomorrow because i shall be swimming.


38-Future Perfect use.
a-i shall have finished this letter before the bell rings.
b- Continuous form of future perfect;seeing that he began o the 1st March,by the middle of May he will have been working for two and half months.
c-Question form for 38 b; By the middle of May,for how long will he have been working?


39-Passive Constructions.
a-The body of the lion has been berried in my garden.
b-Passive(including 'by whome');My friend will have been eaten by cannibals.


40-Reported Speech.
a-The other man said that the child was working in the factory.
b-Reported question;The man wanted to know where the post office was.


Learn English (Lesson Seven)

 31-Time Clause.
a-They stopped talking when you left the room.
b-While; He did it while you were away.
c-The wounded man will stay here until you come back.

32-Adjective Clauses with where,when and why.
a-Where; This is the house where my father died.
b-As a but in different position.
c-When; It happened on the day when bomb fell.
d-Why; That is the reason why he left so suddenly.

33-Adjectival clause with relative pronoun.
a-Who,Whose,That(person); This is not the man who did the murder.
b-Which,That(objects and animals); This is the pencil which interest you.
c-Mixed; These must be...

34-Infinitive Patterns.
a-Infinitive with axillary verbs,with out To; We did not do it.
b-With To; We ought to answer all the questions.
c-With to; The young man asked Mary to kill the birds.
d-Without To;i saw him break the window.
e-With to; marry was seen to meet the robbers.
f-Infinitive with too enough;
(i)-I am too tired to do such heavy work.
(ii)-I am strong enough to do it.
g- With Edjectives; It is necessary for John to do.
h-With Relative;I know what to do?
(i)-Reasone expressed by the infinitives; i came here to find work.
j-Passive with be infinitives; It can be finished in time.

35-Patterns using with ING form of the verb;
a-As the subject; The continual hammering on the door kept me awake.
b-As he object;I gave up doing it.
c-After Prepositions;He began by breaking the chair.
d-In Adjectival use;Having lost the money,the poor old fellow went back to the office.
e-Having lost all the money,what did the poor old fellow do?
f-Another Adjectival use; We saw something breaking the glass.
g-Adverbial; When reading this book,i shall remember your words.
h-When shall i remember your words?

Learn English (Lesson Six)

a-We must read the orders first of all.
b-Had we better do this first?


 27-Orders and requests; Let's speak to he others.

a-Equality; This one is as good as that one.
b-Inferior; This ring is much less useful than that one.
c-Inferior with not; This is not as cold as that one.
d-Comparative; this soldier is quicker than i am.
e-Comparative with more; He is more than she is.
f-Superlative; this one is the best of them all.
g-Superlative and most inferior; This one is the most interesting book of them all.


29- Noun Clause.
a-As objective; He believes that it is not true.
b-As subject; What you say is untrue.
c-As indirect object; He will give whoever finds it a big reward.


30-Other Adverbial Clauses.
a-Place; Please go where you like.
b-Clause -why; The boy took it because he wanted to.
c-Effect-why; The prisoner made a hole so that he might escape.
d-In case-why; We should take great care in case the robbers come back.
e-As, than clauses; It is bigger than i thought.


Learn English (Lesson Five)

21-Going to(future time).
a-I am going to leave this town very soon.
b-Open question; Where are you going to put that table?
c- When are you going to begin?

22-Present Perfect.
a-I have finished the job,look at it!
b-The children has already seen it.

23-Passive Voice.
a-This is made in some foreign country.
b-Somebody did it.
c-The article was used by the police.

a-The family did not go there.
b-A  little child can dig.

 25-Used to.
a-.My servant used to paint picture but he does not now.
b-A year ago i used to go swimming but don't go any more.
c-Have you ever used a steel ruler?



Learn English (Lesson Four)

16-Past Tense(Adverbials).When
a-Mary was awake yesterday.
b-When; when was the old woman wrong?


17-Past Tense(regular form)
a-Some of them answered all the questions the other day.
b-Question form,what; What did Mr.brown do the next day?
c-Did they answer all the questions half an hour ago?
d-Negative; Some of them did not answer all the questions the other day.


18-Past Time(irregular form)
a-I cut it a few minutes ago.
b-My servant lent the key some time ago.
c-My father sold the house on the 1st of january.
d-Somebody heard something last night

a-When did the prisoner escape?
b-when did they answer all the question?
c-When did they hear the noise?
d-Time phrase; He did it today.
e-Time Clauses; He went there when we left.
f-Periods of time(phrase);The nurse drove the car for two hourse.
g-Periods of time(clause); The  nurse drove the car until the sun rose.


20-Future Tense.
a- I will buy one in a little while.
b-Open question; What shell i do this afternoon?
c-Closed question; 'yes,no'.Shall i stop walking now?


Learn English(Lesson three)

11-To Be
a-Is,are;  I am awake.
b-Was,were; I was alone.

12-Present Time(continuous)
a- Those girls are doing some work.
b- Closed question form; Are they cutting the cloth?
c- Open question form; What are those girls doing?

13- Additions: 
(a) Those boys are playing in the garden.
(b) There is something in the garden.
(c) There are a lot of eggs in that parcel.


14- Present (Simple Tense) 
a- My friends always work hard all day.
b- Negative form; My friends do not always do it like that.

(15) Do, Does:
a- Question form; Do  Policemen come here every day?


Learn English(Lesson two)

This is my house.

7-Plurals.To have,are.
a-I have three eggs.
b-Are those good houses?
c-This is my face.
a-It is in the basket.
b-The palm-trees are across the road.
c-Please,put them near those books.
d-Where is the other house?
9-Counting.How many?There are any.....
a-How many pins are there on my table?
b-There are two matches over there?
c-Any;there aren't any boys is that house.
d-Quantities other than fixed number;
There are some bad boys in the class.
e-Something, nobody.
There is something in front of me.
a-This is an egg.
b-That ashtray is made of wood.
c-Countable s only;I have a few eggs.
d-Uncountable s only;          
I have a little sugar
e-Both countable s and uncountable s;
We have a lot of mails.
f-How much;How much sand is there in that lorry?

Learn English (Lesson one)

a-this is a room/house.
b-Is it a rat?
a-this is white.
b-Second use of this that.This house is large.
c-OR Is that dress long or short?
d-adjective before noun.This is large house.
3-a and An.
This is an egg.
4-Open question.
a-what is that?
This is an egg.
b-what is that man?
 He is a doctor.
c-A piece of wood.

a-This is the front of the house.
(see more in next lesson)

Learn English (introduction)

       This English effort  will help learners to get mastery of English construction,free of error,with out involved in grammar and explanations.
From this English teaching  material  those learners can learn English in short period who already have some basic English knowledge.
 The course consists of ten lessons and fifty headings.learners should believe that English is not a ghost to be afraid of, but a language as simple and interesting as other languages.it requires practice.In this English language course is too simple.learner should practice the given sentences and learn them by heart and try to make their own similar sentences.with in a few weeks learners will feel strange change of ability of getting command on English.